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Full Stack Web Development - Frontend & Backend

Goutham Ravikumar

We are now a days coming across so many websites, applications presented in a beautiful and in a very interactive way, have you ever wondered as to how can a website respond back to our query? We might have noticed a small icon at the bottom of the screen which tells, "Any help", “Let’s talk”, etc what is that? Well the answer is quite simple, it is all possible because of this one broad topic called as “Full Stack Web Development.”

What is Full Stack Development?

Full Stack actually refers to the development of both client side i.e., the front end and server side i.e., the back end portions of a web application.

Full stack web development is not as simple as it seems to be in the above given simple statement, it has a lot of work to be done. Web development requires someone who has immense knowledge, passion towards work, patience (most important one), and creative minded, and they are called as the Full Stack Web Developers.

Full Stack Web Developers: Full stack web developers are one the ones who has the ability to design a complete web application and websites that are fully active and well placed. They work on both the client’s as well as the server’s side of a application or websites.

So now what are these front end and back end languages?

Front End: This part is also called as the client’s end of the website/application. It is that part of the application which is visible and responsible for user experience. The user directly interacts with the front end portion of the web application and need not have to bother about what happens on the other side of the application/website.

Front end Languages: Just like any other thing, this also requires something as a base upon on which we can build a site, in the same way, Front end portion is also built by using some languages which are as follows:

  • HTML: HTML as we all know stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is one of the basic programming languages and is used to design the front and portion of the webpages using the markup language. HTML is a combination of Hypertext and Markup language. The markup language will define the text documentation within the tags and these tags defined the structure of the web pages while Hypertext talks about linking the web pages.

  • CSS: Cascading Style Sheet, which is also referred to has the CSS is a language which is intended to simplify the process of making web pages presentable. CSS allows you to all possible colours, styles, alignment, etc to the web page. More importantly, CSS enables you to do this separately to that of HTML and makes up each web page.

  • JavaScript: It is one of the famous scripting language that is used to create all the interactive parts to the website/application. It makes the site more and more interactive to the users. It is also used to enhance the functionalities of the website to running cool games and web-based softwares.

These are the front end languages now we will look into some of the frameworks:

  • AngularJS: This is one of the open source front-end framework that is simply used to develop single web applications (SPAs). It is a continuously growing and an expanding framework which provides a better ways for developing web applications. It changes the static HTML to dynamic HTML. AngularJS is an open source project which can be freely used and changed by anyone at anytime.

  • React.js: Is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React.js is an open source again and it is an component-based front end library which is responsible only for the visible layer of the application.

  • Bootstrap: It is a real free and an open source tool which is filled with collection of various readymade codes that are used for creating responsive websites and web applications. It is the most popular HTML, CSS and JavaScript framework that are used for developing responsive, mobile-first web sites.

  • jQuery: This is an other type of open source JavaScript library that simplifies the interactions with both HTML/CSS document or more precisely the Document Object Model(DOM), and JavaScript. To be more precise, jQuery simplifies the process of HTML document transversing and manipulation, browser event handling, DOM animations, Ajax interactions, and cross-browser JavaScript development.

  • SASS: This is the most reliable, mature and robust CSS extension language. It is also used for the purpose of extending the functionality of an existing CSS of a that includes everything right from the variables, inheritance and nesting with ease.

  • There are also some other libraries and frameworks available such as the:- Semantic-UI, Foundation, Materialise, Backbone.js, Express.js, Ember.js, etc.

These are some of the front end languages and frameworks/libraries available for the developers. We will now look into the backend part of the application/website.

Back end: It refers to the server side of the development of a web application or a website with a major focus on how the website works. It is responsible for managing the database that are obtained from the entry of the user from the client-side commands such as the APIs and queries. This type of website mainly consists of three parts i.e., the frontend, backend and database.

Backend Languages: Just like frontend, backend too has some of the libraries and frameworks to make the work a little simple. They are:

  • PHP: PHP is a server-side scripting language designed specifically for the purpose of web development. Because the PHP code was executed on the server side, it is called as the server side scripting language.

  • C++: Is a general purpose programming language and is widely used by most of the programmers around the world for a competitive programming. It is also used as a background language.

  • Java: This is the probably the most popular programming languages that is widely used by almost all the programmers. It is highly scalable and the components that are to be used are easily available and accessible.

  • Python: If you are looking to work quickly and integrate systems more and more efficiently them this is definitely for you.

  • JavaScript: I know that you are a bit surprised by seeing this name here, but to tell you, Javascript is both a front end and a back end programming language.

  • Node.js: Node.js is an open source and also as an provision of cross-platform runtime environment for executing JavaScript code outside the browser. One important thing that you will have to understand here is that Node.js is neither a programming language nor a framework. Node.js is often used for building back-end services like the APIs like Web App or an Mobile application.

  • Other backend frameworks are: Express, Django, Rails, Laravel, Spring, etc. Some of the other backend programming/scripting languages are: C#, Ruby, REST, GO, etc.

Conclusion: The sole purpose of this blog is to differentiate between a front end, back end programming languages and frameworks. If you are looking to start a career in this field, we at Infimind Institute are providing top class training with a comprehensive study materials.

Why Infimind for Full Stack Web Development?
  • Highly-experienced faculty with 16+ Years of teaching experience

  • 10+ hours of projects

  • We believe in future readying the candidates

  • Course completion certificate

  • 24/7 faculty support provided


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